Welcome to
The IJF recognized body for
Judo in Trinidad and Tobago
What's New

A throw past covid!
A throw past covid Amidst the covid pandemic, judo activity came to a grinding halt. Sunday 14th August, 2022, marked the first national JudoTT event since the start of the covid pandemic in 2020. On this date, JudoTT held its national grading where it welcomed 7 new judoka to higher ranks. With clubs represented from…View Article

First Female Olympian!
Gabriella Wood has made female history for Judo in Trinidad and Tobago. Being one of two females from the anglophone Caribbean, qualifying to compete in the sport of judo at the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games! Official correspondence confirming Gabriella’s qualification was released from the International Judo Federation to Judo Trinidad and Tobago (JudoTT) on Tuesday…View Article

Mission and Vision
In JudoTT’s Strategic Meeting February 2019 we have revised our Mission and Vision Statements. They are as listed below: VISION STATEMENT To be the preferred Martial Art and Combat Sport of choice for the perfection of character. To impact and imprint the values, attitudes and skills of individuals to the benefit of the society. MISSION…View Article
Featured Club
Queen’s Park Judo Club
Queen’s Park Judo Club Main Contact: Sensei Mark Littrean. Phone:(868) 683-9343Email:qpjudo@hotmail.com Mailing Address:20A Nepaul Street,St. James,Trinidad, W.I. Dojo Address:53A Cascade Road,Cascade,Trinidad, W.I. Website: http://www.qpjc.org
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